IMPORTANT: The header space comfortably fits 15-25 characters. We understand that some business names may account for more than 25 characters. If that is the case, please email us to make arrangements. 


Frequently Asked: we are often asked if artists will produce logos or be able to create a piece of work upon request. To maintain the authenticity of the event and to honor each artist's unique contribution, we do not take requests. 

OPTIONAL... have you sponsored in the past and want the same artist? Let us know below.

Don't have a preferred artist? No problem! We will pair you with one of our juried artists. 

Struggling with the process? reach out and we will help! 


How did you hear about it?

Please take a quick moment to let us know how you became aware of this awesome opportunity! (check all that apply) 


Your contribution is tax deductible! We will send tax letters to all square sponsors from producing partner CherryArts, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Proceeds benefit the non-profit CherryArts mission to provide access to art experiences and support arts education in Colorado.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software